This Propaganda Must Stop

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The story published by Ships and Ports on the Rector, Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron, Dr Joshua Okpo, titled Group Accuses MAN, Oron Rector of Immoral Conduct, Financial Recklessness, is most uncharitable and unprofessional by the publishers of the baseless report.

By Ovie Edomi

Apart from the fact that the story is obviously starved of facts, the editors made no efforts whatsoever to verify the issues raised in the purported letter sent by the faceless group called Amalgamated Oron Group Youth Force. The truth is that Ships and Ports has only succeeded in allowing its medium to be used by desperate persons who tried in the past to gain cheap publicity with similar stories but failed. In the past, the same medium was used by charlatans who equally tried blackmail and other intrigues to rubbish a good man, who was appointed Rector with a mandate to turn around the nation’s premier maritime academy. Even the worst of critics agree that since Okpo resumed

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