A Call for Increase of Statutory Allocation to Maritime Academy of Nigeria

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The Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron was established under Decree No 16 of 1988 now CAP 217 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 1990, to provide the Merchant Navy, the maritime industry and its allied industries, qualitative education, and training but then, it needs to be emphasised that decades after its establishment, the number of persons seeking admission has not only increased, there is an ongoing efforts to change the status from its present state to degree awarding. For this reasons, the funding of the academy, which was initially put at some millions of naira annually until the NIMASA Act provided for 5 per cent of all funds accruable to NIMASA to be allocated to the academy.

While we thank the legislators who thought it wise to set aside five per cent of NIMASA annual earnings for the development of manpower training at the nation

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