We Will Not Allow This

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A flat rented by some young men was recently discovered to be a haven for homosexuals
By Linus Okolo

A group of young men and adolescence rented a flat in Warri, Delta State, and to neighbours they were living a normal life but recent discovery reviewed that their lifestyles were far from normal. Indeed, they are homosexuals who chose to practice their trade in an unbelievable manner.

Their clients and patrons come to visit them especially at night and money change hands after the homosexual act has been accomplished. It was good business for them even though it is unlawful. But last month, the long hands of the law caught up with them during the monthly sanitation exercise.

A worried Emmanuel Uduaghan, governor, Delta State, ordered that the young men be fished out. But those with inside knowledge say they have escaped. However, Delta State Commissioner for Information, Barrister Chike Ogeah, has assured Deltans that the war against homosexuals, together with their patrons has been declared.
Ogeah, while expressing his bitterness said it is sad that little children are now involved in homosexual acts, and being patronised by adults.
He disclosed that if not for the monthly cleaning-up exercise, such horrendous act would not have been discovered. While assuring members of the public that those involved, together with their patrons, will be exposed and brought to book, he explained that no amount of commitment to sensitising the people is too much. Ogeah noted that sensitisation is useful to drive home the goals of the government.
According to the information commissioner, the issue of sex is private, but when it

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