UPU Lagos, Urhobo Council of Chiefs, Stakeholders endorse Ahwi as Urhobo Leader in Lagos

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The controversy surrounding the selection of Chief Vincent Ahwi, as Osu R Urhbobo last month has been laid to rest following a meeting of Urhobo Progress Union and the Urhobo Council of Chiefs.
In a communique issued after the joint meeting, it was resolved amongst other things that according to Article 9 of the constitution of the Council of Chiefs, the 5-man appointment Committee was mandated to select and present to the general house a candidate for the position of the Osu R Urhobo. The communique further stated that at the 5-man appointment committee level, the Committee voted 3:2 in favour of Chief Vincent Ahwi and during the ratification exercise nine out of fifteen members equally voted for Chief Ahwi while six voted for his opponent
Thus UPU leaders and Urhobo stakeholders at the meeting in a communique agreed that from the ratification of 9 votes of Chief Ahwi to 6 votes of his opponent, Chief Ahwi had the simple majority votes.
Furthermore, 8 persons out of the 10 persons that the UPU meeting allowed to comment on the exercise present at the said General meeting upheld the decision of the joint meeting and as a result, Chief Vincent Ahwi was accepted as the new Osu R Urhobo of Lagos
The new leader of the Urhobos in Lagos, Chief Vincent Ahwi, a Chartered Accountant with work experience spanning over two decades has played a key role in the Urhobo and Nigerian affairs and meetings including his membership of Elite Club of Abraka, Delta Peers Club, Urhobo Historical Society (UHS) Nigerian chapter and a representative of and a representative of Urhobo Association of Washington DC (UAWDC) Metro Area, USA in time past. Most of these bodies are involved in promoting Urhobo language, culture, offering tuition funds, school writing materials project and creating opportunities for Urhobo youths
Present at the joint meeting were Chief (Sir) Philip Edemete, Mr. Ovie Oghenekaro, Friday Akporue, Pastor Pius Sunuhor, Felix Ukavwe, Chief Akpofure Omonigho, Barrister Sunday Tonweh and Chief Dickson Ogba. Others were Chief Johnson Ojakovo, Chief Akpokiniovo Johnson,Chief Joseph Obireko, Chief Wilson Ukpubigho, Prince Engr Dr Austin Ukori, Mrs Doris Ilaya amongst others
Chief Ahwi who discribed the Urhobos as the sixth largest ethnic group in Nigeria, thanked the Urhobo Chiefs and other well meaning Urhobos who step into the matter and pledged to work for the good of the Urhobo people particularly the youths who he said needs a lot of supports to enable them achieve their potentials and contribute to building Urhoboland, Lagos, Nigeria and in diaspora.
The new Osu R Urhobo of Lagos also called on Urhobo professionals, industrialists and businessmen to touch lives by grooming young adults who will take over the center stage as well as occupy leadership positions in future

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