Time to Tame The Criminal Herdsmen in Our Rural Communities

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Herdsmen attacks on Nigeria’s rural communities have now become almost a daily occurrence across the six geo-political zones. The situation is so bad that the criminal herdsmen are as dangerous as terrorists, kidnappers, killer bandits and assassins. From the North to the South they now ambush and kill people with impunity and reckless abandon. The situation is so bad that the citizens are wondering if the security of the country still lies in the hands of the government. This is so because the federal authority has not fully lived up to expectation in safeguarding the lives and properties of the citizens.

By Okiemute Igho Oboh

To say that the teeming populace of this nation are weeping and dying in installment is stating the obvious. This is because people in rural and urban town now live in the grip of terror and fear of being attack by criminal herdsmen.

Motorists are also as worried as those living in rural areas because travelling by road in any of the nation’s high ways have become a nightmare.

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