No Zoning Here

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No Zoning Here

The issue of power shift is brewing so much anxiety in Delta State but some stakeholders say no going back

By Onome Ogbetuo

The political wrangling and manoeuvrings over power shift or zoning associated with the governorship race in Delta State has been roundly criticised by spectrum of people across the state. Last month, the national chairman of Urhobo Political Forum (UPF), Chief IghoyotaAmori opposed the zoning of governorship position saying that there is no political arrangement to zone the governorship seat of the Delta State from one tribe to another or from one senatorial district to another.The UPF chairman at a fora in Warri stated that the powershift being clamoured for by some people does not exist in the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP) Constitution and was never discussed or agreed upon at anytime or anywhere in the state, adding that the position of thegovernor of Delta State is open to all legitimate and qualifiedDeltans to contest. Chief Amori advised Deltans to play politics according to the rulesand should not create animosity as Delta State has been known to be astate that loves peace, progress and development.

Amori further explained that election to the governorship position was open to all tribes and senatorial districts in Delta State in 1999. He averred that apart from 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011 the position of governorship was freely contested for by all the senatorial districts and by the various political parties, consequently he noted that 2015 will not be different. He thus urged Deltans to continue to practise civilisedpolitics where peace, unity and development will be maintained.

He stressed that he will continue to protect Urhobo political interest while working for the overall peace, unity and development of Delta State.Also a coalition of youth organisations in Delta State has said that onlya governorship candidate with good track record and who shares in thedreams and aspirations of the average Deltan and who is prepared to offerpurposeful leadership would be supported and given the opportunity tobecome the next governor of Delta State.

Rising from a crucial one-day meeting held in Ughelli recently, the coordinating chairman of the group which convened under the aegis of Coalition of Delta Youths for Change (CDYC), Comrade Meyaka Ebiye said that the youth groups are worried about the way and manner certainpoliticians from Delta North keep emphasising that they must produce thenext governor or else heaven will fall. The coordinating chairman disclosed

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