Delta Community in Fear over Arewa Group Threat

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The residents of Fear God community also known as Bonsaac in Oshimili South local government of Delta state now live in fear as a result of the activities of some members of Arewa group in Asaba, the state capital.

Few days ago, the South South International magazine learnt that the Bonsaac vigilante working on intelligence report, accosted some boys who were moving around 3am with motorcycles. At the sight of the members of vigilante, the boys escaped but one of them was arrested along with his motorcycle. During interrogation, he told his interrogators that the fleeing persons were Arewa boys.

Not long after the incident, eye witness said the Arewa boys mobilised in group, and invaded the resident of the Bonsaac vigilante commander, Mr. Israel Nwebo, and ordered him to produce the seized motorcycle.

The commander sensing danger quickly notified the Bonsaac vigilante chairman, Mr.Francis Isioma Okolo who immediately called for re-enforcement through their overall general commandant. Thereafter the B Divisional Police station, and the state police headquarters in Asaba were notified of the incident.

However, before the arrival of the security personnel, the Arewa boys have gained entry into the apartment of the commandant and allegedly removed his belongings, the belongings of his wife and their little baby and set them on fire. They equally burnt the Commandant’s personal Motorcycle, clothes, mattress and so on.
His plasma television set, Refrigerator, cooking gas, and other valuables were taken away and yet to be recovered as at press time. Four motorcycles left under his care by his siblings who travelled for the Christmas and new year celebration were equally taken away.

Though, the Commandant escaped by whisker, findings revealed that the enforcement vehicle belonging to Achalla Ibusa vigilante, lead by Mr. Tony Olisa was allegedly damaged by the Arewa boys.

It was the arrival of Mr. Friday Osas, the Station Officer, B Division along with his team of police officers that saved the entire building where the commandant of the vigilante group lives from being set ablaze. The presence of the security personnel equally stopped the entire incident from metamorphosing into comunual clash.

Even then, hours later, the Arewa boys confronted the general commandant, Tony Olisa, and ordered him to produce the Bonsaac commandant, in order for peace to reign. At a point they threatened that until the head of the commandant is cut off, the state capital will not know peace.
According to them, “Asaba belongs to them” Meanwhile, residents of the community are alleging that the person behind the activities of the Arewa boys in Asaba and its environs is one Mr. Muktar Usman, who they accused of always going to solicit for the bail of any Arewa boy in police custody.

Some residents of the community who do not want their names mentioned in the press expressed sadness that a matter like this could be treated with kid gloves by the state police command after the matter was reported.

According to them ” Our fear is that if the insecurity situation in Delta state is not looked into now, it could degenerate into similar situation as we have in Benue and Plateau states”.

The South South International magazine gathered that the only Arewa boy arrested by the Vilante group was taken to the Police station where he was later arraigned before magistrate court 2 Okwe where was later released

Those with inside knowledge told the South South International magazine that the prosecuting police officer was compromised and as a result, he did not press any reasonable charges against the suspect.

Meanwhile, the commandant of the
Bonsaac vigilante whom the Arewa boys have allegedly demanded for his head now sleeps with one eye opened. Even the residents say the threats from the arewa boys that peace can only reign when the head of the vigilante group has been cut off is making them afraid of what would happen next in the community

When the then state police commissioner, Mr. Wale Abbas, now promoted AIG, was reached on phone, he said he was at Abuja, and directed that the PPRO should be called. However when the state police public relations officer, Mr. Bright Edafe was reached on phone, he said so long as the matter was charged to court, why should the people accuse the police of bias.

Furthermore he said ” if the people are not satisfied, they should take the matter to wherever they please” Edafe stated

Meanwhile, when Mr. Muktar Usman believed to be supporting the Arewa boys was reached on phone, he denied the allegations but admitted working with security agents.When he was further confronted with the allegation of his support for a militia group which they claimed to be a vigilante group, which he was directed by B Divisional police station to register through the general commandant, he said the allegations were not true.

As the residents continue to live in fear of the unknown, a security source has call on the state governor, Sheriff Oboriowevre to rise to the state security demands, assist the vigilante with mobility and gadgets to work in synergy with the security personnel towards achieving a secured state for all Deltans.

For the the Governor of Delta State, His Excellency, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori, noted at an event in Oleh, that Delta State is one united family. Accordingly he stated ” As I have promised, I will be governor for all Deltans, despite the fact that the state is populated by different ethnic groups”

How the Governor of Delta State, His Excellency, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori and the new Delta State Commissioner of Police will react to this situation in Asaba, the state capital, remains to be seen.


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