DELTA 2023: Our Next Governor

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As 2023 appears imminent so are the political storms already gathering in Delta state. As usual, they’re gathering to unfold a cocktail of the state’s active men with leadership ambition.

By Ovie Edomi

This time, men that have dominated the state’s political space since 1999 are throwing themselves up for election.
Somehow, the list of Governorship aspirants is as long as from Asaba to Warri. But among the most formidable of them are: Olorogun Fred Okiemute, Majemite; respected Lawyer, humble man with a kind heart, philantrophist, humanist and a reputation for serving the public rather than self or narrow interests. Within the contending fold also is, Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi; a Lawyer and security expert, with a no nonsense pedigree. In the contest also is Obarisi Ovie Omo-Agege; a brilliant Lawyer, uncommon goal-getter and Deputy Senate President of the federal Republic of Nigeria. Not left out is Olorogun David Edevbie, financial expert, former commissioner for finance and principal Secretary to late President Umaru Musa YarAdua. Of course, Chief Kenneth Okpara, former Commissioner for Finance in addition to many others are also in the governorship race

Indeed, if the PDP’s subsisting zoning arithemetic is to be respected in Delta State and l strongly believe it should, because it has brought peace and tranquility to the oil rich Delta state, then the Delta Central Senatorial district should produce the party’s governorship candidate. However, from the Delta Central Senatorial zone, we need a candidate in PDP with the capability to tackle worrisome conditions that face the people of Delta State from Asaba to Burutu and so on. That is the only way to create cohension, unity and peace ahead of the 2023 election in Delta State.
It is therefore important for the Delta State Governorship aspirants to close rank and support a grassroot politician who has paid his dues in the ruling party.

Already, ahead of 2023, an assemblage of who is who in Urhobo nation has literarily been stirred with heavyweights throwing their hats into the ring to do battle. The development, has created a situation describable as an emerging battle of Urhobo brothers, with Ughelli effectively positioned as the main theater ground. But this can be addressed by leaders of the ruling party so that the main opposition party, the APC will not catch on the situation to wreck havoc on PDP in the state

Interestingly though, nearly all the contestants are lawyers thus making the battle field to leave the precincts of the hallowed courtrooms to habit the undecorous centers for election primaries where only the street wise and politically sagacious would have a chance to snatch victory.

Meanwhile, watchers of political trend in Delta state are not amused by the prospects for rowdiness that may attend the preliminary exercise especially the party primaries but party faithfuls and stakeholders are getting wiser by the day. Money politics play key role but grassroots mobilization from wards to local government areas is central to who gets the party ticket coupled with who the party topmost leaders feel more aligned to for leadership, continuity and development of the state

For now, there are those who think that the election will be a straight battle between Olorogun Fred Majemite and DSP Ovie Omo-Agege but other think that Omo-Agege may be prevailed upon to remain in the Senate to consolidate on the gains he has recorded while another Urhobo son from Delta Central will fly the APC flag.

Whatever happens, there are other informed predictions suggesting that unless the ruling party in Delta state manages the contending elite ploiticians with tact to give room for some compromises to be reached among contenders, the state’s political space maybe so muddled up to the extent that not only will brothers cease to be their brother’s keepers, but also, the party’s chances during the elections proper, maybe geopadized as many members will leave the party as was the case with a serving Senator who recently dumped the ruling party in Delta State for the APC.

However, while the storm continues to gather in Delta state, this appears a tip of the iceberg because some citizens are saying that the real issue is the zonal arrangement in Delta state which a certain tribe is prepared to scuttle in order for their person to take the number one seat come 2023. But this would meet with strong resistance from the people of the Delta Central Senatorial District whose youths and key stakeholders have consistently said that the zoning arrangement stands. Be that as it may be, it’s expected that the gathering of aspirants would stir lethargy and most likely assume a feverish pitch.

In the end however, there are clear indication that the party primaries and subsequently the gubernatorial election would substantially not go in a different direction from what it used to be since 1999

For sure even if against all advice, Ovie Omo-Agege, a former PDP member and SSG during Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan’s administration now Deputy Senate President, comes into the governorship fray with a Federal Government might as Deputy Senate President and a Senator who is working hard to create a new political orientation in the state while riding on the back of his party, APC, changing the political narratives in the state will be a hard nut to crack.

This explains why many people are asking what will Nigeria’s number four most powerful citizen be doing with a comparatively lowly office as the office of State Governor when already he has by providence, been elevated to a much higher pedestal.

Remarkably, the the candidacy of Olorogun Fred Okiemute Majemite, an unblemished pro-people politician that has won the heart of numerous Deltans due to his reputation for playing detribalized politics and aversion for politics of bitterness( politics without bitterness) seem to be a modicum of freshness that Delta citizens crave so badly to make a difference. Infact, the preponderance of opinion is that with a man like Olorogun Fred Okiemute Majemite who plays politics without bitterness on the driver seat come 2023, Delta state will see collective good from Asaba to Agbor, Oleh to Bomadi, Burutu, Koko to Kokori and so on as sign of inclusive dialogue and continued quality leadership.

No doubt, Majemite is the candidate set for this purpose and tongues all seem to he pointing in his direction as the answer to Delta citizens’ prayers for a rehatch of a people’s governor.
I will not be surprised if our amiable Olorogun Fred Okiemute Majemite considering his composite track records for achievements in private Law practice, public/community service, contributions to the success of the PDP and his loyalty to the ruling party in Delta State become the choice of the party at the primaries and much later at the 2023 Governorship election.

Quite deservingly, Majemite’s unblemished reputation and down to earth approach to issues coupled with his leadership traits in addition to his diverse roles/ diligent service in the ruling party in Delta State are capable of making him the choice candidate. This is aside his bridge building antecedence, masterful handling of his responsibilities as commissioner of land in Asaba; his positive disposition towards people across board; the ease with which he could be accessed even as a top politician as well as his disarming humility are all painting the portrait of a good Leader who looks so good to deliver quality leadership to the good people of Delta State come 2023

Edomi is the Publisher/ Editor-In-Chief, South South International and former Publicity Secretary of Association of Communication Scholars and Professionals of NIgeria

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