Archbishop Avwomakpa Calls for the Persecution of Muslim Cleric who wants Senator Remi Tinubu Killed

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Following a video that has gone viral in which an Islamic Scholars, Idris Abdulaziz Dusen Tenshi called for the murder of Nigeria’s first lady, Senator Remi Tinubu for being a Pastor and according to the Muslim cleric ” God’s judgement says she must be killed.

She is a Pastor…a leader of infidel(Christians), Allah says she must be killed…” he stated

Reacting to the development that is generating reactions across the country, Archbishop Goddowell Avwomakpa, worldwide Preacher and Evangelist and President of Christ Missionaries Crusaders International world-wide as well as former Chairman of Christians Association of Nigeria, CAN, South South zone noted while talking with Journalists that the Cleric, Idris Abdulaziz Dusen Tenshi has only demonstrated his ignorance of the fact that Nigeria is a secular state/country and not an Islamic nation. Archbishop Avwomakpa noted that Nigeria being a secular state/country is governed by the constitution of the land and not by lslamic injunctions or laws. He therefore called on the DSS to invite the Islamic cleric and investigate him to know whether he is not about to be used by external forces to distabilise the president Tinubu’s administration by targeting the wife.

Besides, Archbishop Avwomakpa noted that even if the Islamic cleric meant what he said, the people of the Niger Delta where Senator Remi Tinubu comes from will not tolerate such unguarded and unwarranted threat from anyone how much more an Islamic cleric.

Consequently, Avwomakpa warned the cleric not to add to the challenges facing this administration, which was part of the problem inherited from the Buhari’s regime, rather, all religious leaders in the country and abroad should pray for peace and for God to restore to her rightful place of honour among the commity of nations. He stated that in praying for Nigeria Christians should love Muslim, and Muslim should love Christians. This he says is because God is love

However, Avwomakpa who wondered why a cleric was calling for Senator Remi Tinubu’s wife to be killed because she is a Pastor and dedicated Christian, noted that the Yorubas are not talking except for the likes of Senator Shehu Sani, and Hon Mohammed Bello El-Rufai, a member of the House of Representatives, who equally called for the arrest and persecution of the lslamic cleric that called for the killing of the first lady Senator Remi Tinubu.

Furthermore, Avwomakpa said ” if the Yorubas who are our In-Law, fail to defend their wife, we the Niger Delta people who gave Senator Remi Tinubu in marriage to them, will not fold our hands”. He noted also that the statement of the cleric amounts to hate speech for which he should be persecuted. He equally averred that the Islamic cleric statement is pregnant with meanings, a reason he said the Niger Delta people will not sit down and allow anyone to threaten their daughter. According to him, ” the elders, youths and children of the Niger Delta are all behind Senator Remi Tinubu, the first lady and any attempt to threaten her will be met with strong resistance as well as an invitation of fire from on High.

Archbishop further warned that Senator Remi Tinubu, the first lady must be allowed to practice her Christian faith in Aso Rock otherwise her people from the Niger Delta will rise to the occasion.

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