A Word by the Archbishop to President Buhari

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Nigeria is a blessed country and the citizenry are equally well endowed in diverse ways. Nevertheless, there are still sufferings in the land. Indeed, the lamentations in our fatherland especially since Boko Haram insurgents seized our girls and the recent bombings in the creeks targeted at oil wells and oil installations raise a lot of questions and concern.
By Dr. God-Dowell Avwomapka
The country, with over 250 ethnic groups, has co-existed since the 1914 amalgamation. The era of the empires and kingdoms may have come and gone but certainly, many of our ancient cultures, traditions, beliefs, tribes and early civilisation have their origins in our old empires and kingdoms.
No doubt, we have come far as a nation and we have shocked the entire world by living together as one indivisible nation no matter our tribes, cultural differences and religious beliefs. The civil war was the greatest test to our survival as a nation but for us who fought the war, and like General Yakubu Gowon would say “there was no victor, no vanquished.”
Then came the June 12 annulled election in which M.K.O Abiola, the

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