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Most institutions are arguably not interested in a transparent bid process in Nigeria despite BPE’s regulations, in the procumbent Act but not so with Metallurgical Training Institute, MTI, Onitsha where the Chief Executive lays everything bare for everyone to see

By Oscar Onojighofia

Early in August, contractors, observers and member of management of Metallurgical Training Institute, MTI, were gathered at MTI’s conference hall to open the financial bid for 14 different contracts that have been appropriated for in the nation’s current budget.
The projects were first advertised on May 30, 2022 in Daily Trust and Daily Sun newspapers, in accordance with the procurement Act, 2007. After which the institute adopted open bidding process; and expression of interest began to come in June 2022. Since it is a competitive bidding process, and in order to be fair, open and just to all the contractors, during the bidding process, MTI management led by its Chief Executive, Bode Fakuade decided to invite Civil Society organization, the Press and contractors to the financial and proposal bid opening.
Lot one which is construction of Erosion Ravaged Internal road had two bidders namely SFY Engineering and Supply Limited, and Kensag Nigeria Limited. Both companies quoted N49,364,699,99 and N52,427,567;50 respectively.
Lot 2 has to do with provision of High power Solar street lights. Three companies namely Daisygo Concept Limited, Obis Associates Nigeria Limited quoted N21,999,999;70 and N24,499,400,50 respectively. The third company Peews Engineering quoted N28,882,149.70
Another was the contract for the purchase of two vans with the only bidder Standard Services Limited, quoting N59, 920,500,00. The contract for equipping of instrumentation and Control Engineering Workshop, had the following bidders namely Obueri Construction Limited, Esomihe Global Resources Limited, Ama-Yaro Association Limited and Vasimir Nigeria Limited. The financial bids are Obueri N298,956,275:00k, Esomihe Global Resources Limited N198, 148,344.08k Ama –Yaro N195,698,375:00 and Vasmir Nigeria Limited N221,110, 837:50k
Also to be awarded is contract for the construction of steel and fabrication of welding workshop which is expected to go to the Federal Executive council because of the amount involved.
Interestingly, a contract for capacity building of youths on Technology and Skill acquisition techniques to support the steel sector is equally included in the budget. This an insider noted is an indication that the institute would continue to live to its social responsibilities function to the host communities and beyond.
After the bid Opening Process, the Chief Executive of MTI, Bode Fakuade, noted that the Technical committee will come up with a report and that report will determine who gets the contract.
While thanking Bode Fakuade, Chief Executive of MTI, the Contractors who spoke expressed confidence is the entire bid opening process. The independent observers equally commended Mr Bode Fakuade and his management team for the transparent manner the financial bid opening was conducted.
The worry of contractors, however, is whether the contracts will be awarded considering the speculation in some quarters that the 2022 budgetary allocation for capital projects may be tempered with owing to the fact that the government has been borrowing to fund the capital projects. But Mr Fakuade says Contractors should keep hope alive. How this will play out remains to be seen in the months ahead.

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