Let God who created the Church apply appropriate sanctions on those who mis-appropriate Church fund not government that didn’t setup the church… Prophet Abutoh

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PROPHET (DR.) SOLOMON ABUTOH in this interview spoke on a wide range of issues. Except

By Ovie Edomi

We understood that you went to the US Embassy in Nigeria to give a word of Prophesy to the Ambassador but       you were not allowed to see him: What was God revealing to you?

I never really set out to see  the Ambassador in person, rather I had a well crafted Prophetic document dated 20/2/2020 I addressed to ex-President/Congressional elections  Donald Triumph, care of the US Consul-General in Lagos, as a divine guidance to the November, 2020 Presidential/Congressional elections. This document was rejected by US staff at three locations within the Walter Carrington Crescent.

Should you have met the Ambassador, could the story have been different concerning what happen recently in the US?

What the Embassy staff needed do was to receive and respond to my document. The eventual elections could have been more peaceful then it turned out to be. (The bull in china shop, as the Lord revealed on 6/11/2020)

In the past, you have gotten revelations on some global happenings: could you share some of them with us?

My three times warnings to Laurent Kabila of DR. Congo, in 2000 which he ignored, leading to his assassination precisely seven months after the third warning by his own body guard!

My warning to Late Jerry Rawlings to hand over power in 1999, which could have been fatal had he done otherwise.

My letter to George Bush Junior, urging him in 2008 to initiate a reapproachment with the state of Cuba, a process which was eventually consummated by Barak Obama, accompanied by wife Mitchelle, flanked by Ambassador Jeffery Delaurentis on 21/3/2016, ending almost eighty years of Socioeconomic, Diplomatic Sanctions!

My personal letter to the Ooni of Ife, warning of an impending ethno-religious conflict which was ignored, but claimed life and properties.

My visit on 8/6/2020 to State House Alausa, Lagos that could have prevented the tollgate shoutings and attendant destruction of life and properties was rebuffed…..and the unforgettable, the indelible happened!

How are about prophesies you have revealed to Nigeria leaders, do they take them serious?

Second 2Chronicles 20:20 is every clear on that. When I delivered the Lord’s message and the leaders refused to hearken, they are usually the once bearing the brunt, not ME!

Why is it that must of your warnings as Prophet of God are not adhered to? Is it a matter of a Prophet not valued at home?

Our Lord Jesus Christ was despised by those who thought they knew Him, but that never altered the Divine Programme for Christ.

There is this feeling that must modern day Prophets do not wait to hear from God before they speak?

Jeremiah 23:21 States “I have not sent these Prophets yet they ran; I have not spoken to them, yet they Prophesied?

What is your take on Government control of churches and Tithing?

Malachi 3:10-12 has long been a mandatory Divine injunction; but where its misused, the owner of the vineyard will ask questions, and apply appropriate sanctions, not government that didn’t setup the church in first instance.

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