Non-Payment of Salary Is Not Peculiar to Oshimili South – Obusom

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FOLLOWING the controversy trailing the N250million planned loan by the Oshimili South Local Government chairman, Barrister Chucks Obusom, among other issues, the South-South International Magazine editor put a call across to the Oshimili South Local Government chairman who agreed to state his side of the story in the spirit of balanced reporting and fair hearing. In this interview Obusom spoke on the N250million loan amongst other issues. Except:

By Linus Okolo

Tell us about the planned N250million loan.

The council generally, before now depended mainly on federal government allocation and internal generated revenue, IGR. Looking at the government we met on ground and sources coming from the federal government, it became necessary that we add other sources of generating revenue. Consequently, we sat down as an institution and discovered there is need for us to have an integrated farm project where we can have fish pound, poultry farms, feeds, as well as tomatoes through green field, looking at the whole thing as you can see before me we don

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