Islamic Cleric’s Apology to First Lady Not Enough: Archbishop Avwomakpa

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The recent apology of Katsina based Islamic cleric, Idris Tenshi, to the wife of the President, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, and Nigerians over his earlier sermon that went viral calling the first lady an infidel who should be killed has been described as a good development for the better co-existence between muslim and christians in Nigeria as well as globally by Archbishop Goddowell Avwomakpa, worldwide Preacher and Evangelist, president of Christ Missionaries Crusaders International as well as former chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN, South South zone.

Avwomakpa while reacting to Tenshi’s apology thanked muslim clerics and politicians that spoke against the video and sermon that went viral hence making Tenshi to realise his error. He however noted that misleading religious sermons have a way of impacting faithfuls of such religion as well as the general public hence he called on Tenshi to do another video withdrawing his earlier comment and properly explain the verse of the Koran he quoted so that people will get the right explanation as it has been explained to him by lslamic cleric with higher knowledge of the Koran.

Furthermore, Avwomakpa noted that the likes of Tenshi who go about preaching the wrong message in the name of religion are the people that have plunged the nation into religious crisis. According to him ” Instead of preaching love, peace and religious tolerance, they engage in preaching what will drive the nation and her people on fire.
That was how someone told the leadership of the country at a time that he will make the country ungovernable and the DSS did nothing. The outcome of that statement is what has possibly brought the nation to where it is today”.

For this reason, Archbishop Avwomakpa stated that the DSS should still make Tenshi to write an undertaking despite his apology. Besides, Archbishop Avwomakpa noted that in India, when they want to kill christians, it is the muslims that fight for their freedom and safety. So there is the need for the different religious groups to live in harmony after all the people of the world are children of one heavenly father-God. He therefore called on both muslim and christian clerics to be well schooled before they are allowed to preach to their followers otherwise one wrong message can set a nation on fire, Avwomakpa stated.

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