Inside Maritime Academy

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Giving Support to MAN, Oron

Members of the Maritime Reporters Association of Nigeria, MARAN, after a one-week training at the Maritime academy of Nigeria, Oron, commends Rector for his great stride and called for more funding of the academy

By Evelyn Akpobome

It was one event that Journalists from the umbrella body of Maritime Reporters Association of Nigeria, MARAN, would remember for many years to come. To many of the 60 members who embarked on the one week training programme at the Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron, Akwa Ibom State it is one training they would never want to miss. Beyond the training which they described as educative and revealing most of the reporters who were visiting the Maritime Academy for the first time saw in Joshua Okpo, Rector, Maritime Academy of Nigeria, a man of vision and courage.

It will be recalled that when Okpo was appointed in july 2011, he met an academy that was not at peace with it neighbouring host communities divisions among stakeholders, as well as bad blood among staff was at its peak. Aside from that, facilities that were originally planned for 500 cadets at the conversion of the nautical college to an academy in 1988 have become over-stretched to accommodate 3000 cadets.

However after two years on the saddle, the Academy is now wearing a new look. According to Bolaji Akinola, president, Maritime Reporters Association of Nigeria, MARAN,

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